Saturday, January 27, 2007

In the Shadow of the Baby Boom

RT writes about being born 10 years too late, after the end of the Baby Boom.

He says: "“Being in our generation means constantly having the experience of being the last person into a grocery store when there is a run on food. All that’s left on the shelves are stale Cheetos and non-alcoholic beer. And even those are snatched up by other desperate and disillusioned post-Boomers before you can race down the aisle.

Out in the parking lot, Baby Boomers are clenching T-bone steaks and fine wine under their arms. Hey, once again, they were there first. And, to make matters worse, when you approach them asking for a little bit of food for your family, they laugh arrogantly and offer to sell you pack of wieners for a thousand bucks."

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