Thursday, January 18, 2007


The January 10, 2007 edition of USA Today reports on Boston's City Hall and desire of some Bostonians to demolish what they consider to be an eyesore. "I say we give everyone an hour to gather their things, and we raze it" says John Tobin, a City Council member, according to the article.

The city hall was built in 1968, in a historic distric that includes Faneuil Hall, sometimes called the "cradle of liberty" due to meetings held there by early American revolutionaries ( On the other hand, the city hall incorporates a contempary style, known as brutalism. The incongruous architectural styles have thus led to debate and the widespread disdain.

But here's the punchline. Take a look at the city hall and what Vancouver landmark do you see? SFU, perhaps?

Trivia footnote: the portrait of 'Sam Adams' on beer labels bearing the same name is actually the combination (pre-photoshop) of two portraits hanging in Faneuil Hall.

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